Thursday, December 9, 2010
Holiday Hours 2010
Sunday (12/26) 11a-5p
Monday (12/27) 10a-5p
Friday* (12/31) 10a-4p
Sunday (1/2) 11a-5p
Closed: Saturday 12/25 and Saturday 1/1
*Includes a special edition of VcK's X-Ball Fun Day (airball field) and normal rec-ball.
Now accepting private group reservations on all the above dates.
We are available for "Special Openings" on other dates during the holidays. Give us a call for details!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Cure For Turkey Fatigue!
We will be open Friday, November 26th! 10:00am-5:00pm.
***WALK-ON SPECIAL - 11/26 ONLY***
Entry, rental equipment (if required), all day air and 1000 paintballs for $40.00!
Limited Private Group slots available. Call asap if you would like to bring the entire family out for a private day of play.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
2nd Annual Halloween Trick or Trick Bash
Sunday 10/31/10
12:00 Noon - 5:00pm
Rec-ball fields only
Certain games through out the day will be designated as "Trick Or Treat" games. Players will be issued a card to distinguish which side they were on during that particular game. The winning side will then be eligible to exchange the card and trick or treat from the goodie bag. Prizes will include:
* Free Entry
* Free paint
* T-shirts
* Drinks
* Candy
* Barrel Bags
*Anything else we can find to give away
All players arriving in costume will receive $5.00 off entry AND a
chance to win the Grand Prize: a BT-4 paintball gun, one free entry
and one case of paint ($205.00 value)*.
So, gather up a friend or two and come on out for a frightening good
*Remember - all costumes must conform to safety policies such as well
fitting goggles, etc. Only those in costume will be eligible for the
Grand Prize drawing.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Reminder Of Policy Change This Weekend....

Effective September 1, 2010 we will no longer allow the use of OIL BASED paint (regardless of the manufacturer and point of purchase) for personal equipment users. All paint must have an "EcoFill" stamp on the box or pass an "oil test".
The above picture is one of the many reasons why we are no longer allowing this type of paint to be used at Twisted. Many, if not all, oil based paint brands are found at local discount stores such as Wal-Mart, Academy and Sports Authority. Be sure the box has an "EcoFill" stamp on the outside of the box before making any purchases!
Our "Field Paint Only" policy for rental equipment still applies.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Back To School Special - Sunday 8/22
Play all day for $37.00!
Includes entry, rental equipment (if required), all day air and 1,000 paintballs!!
You must mention Code FB82 in order to get this great deal!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Teaching History On A Paintball Field!
One taught a history lesson on a paintball field.
Another invited families to join in line dances after a Valentine's Day music program.
Their creativity in the classroom and passion for education set them apart Thursday as the 2010 Region 16 Teachers of the Year. The secondary award went to Jeff Frazer, a history and government teacher at Caprock High School. The elementary award went to Becky Casso, a music teacher at Hillside Elementary School.
Education involves communities, parents, school districts and students - and the efforts of more than 6,000 teachers employed by Amarillo-area public school districts, said John Bass, executive director of Region 16 Education Service Center.
"That teacher is really what makes learning happen," he said.
Each fall, Frazer's students in Advanced Placement U.S. History study the Civil War. Instead of relying on a textbook to explain war, Frazer goes with his students on one weekend to a paintball field for a battle. His students then write about their experiences. The activity also provides a way for students to get to know one another early in the school year.
"Some of the best papers that I have ever received come from that assignment," said Frazer, who is starting his 26th year in teaching.
Parents sometimes ask questions about the activity, and Frazer responds by letting them read the papers, he said.
"That's as close to war as I ever want them to get," said Frazer, 48.
Casso, whose career spans 29 years, finds a way for every child to connect with music, she said. Musicians are akin to doctors who specialize in different fields.
"Everyone's a musician," said Casso, who also plays French horn with the Amarillo Symphony. Some sing, some play instruments and others dance.
Casso, 51, enjoys helping young children find their natural talent, sort of like a miner who finds a diamond from a rock, she said. A sign caught her attention next to the polar bear exhibit at the Central Park Zoo in New York, which articulated her feelings about education. She challenged other teachers with the statement, as well.
"Let the beauty you love be what you do," she said.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Exciting New Private Group Option!
Standard Group:
*Unlimited play time (stay all day or as long as you like)
*Minimum of 10 players
*Private referee
*Standard pricing dependent on each guest (personal equipment or rental)
*Use of approved outside paint for personal equipment users
*Choice of arrival time
*Players may pay individually upon registration
Flat Rate Group:
*Limited to 3 hours of play time
* NO minimum player requirement
*Private referee
*$300.00 flat rate
*Includes: entry/rental equipment for up to 10 players and 5000 paintballs
*Field paint only
*Additional players $30.00/each (includes 500 paintballs per player)
*Designated time slots
*One lump sum payment
Reservations are required for either group option.
Designated time slots for the Flat Rate Group: Saturdays 10:00a and 2:00p. Sundays 11:00a and 2:00p
Friday, July 9, 2010
We Are POA Preferred!
If you are "shopping" fields for an upcoming paintball event or just looking for a leisurely day of play, be sure to inquire as to whether the field is "POA Preferred".
Monday, June 28, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Notice Of Policy Change - Effective 9/1/10
Our "Field Paint Only" policy for rental equipment still applies.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Congratulations To The Class Of 2010!
*Small Print: Student ID required. Entry includes both personal equipment and rental equipment (if required). Paint purchase is required. Remember - all personal equipment users receive a paint upgrade to V-1 at no additional charge. One time use only.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Picture Day On May 8th!!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Reaction Paintballs
Please add this to the list of unapproved paint:
Monster Ball
JT Tactical Performance
Any paint sold in a plastic bucket, tub, etc.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
4th Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
9:00a - 5:00p
Hundreds of Easter eggs filled with prizes will be hidden over select playing fields. Find an egg and claim your prize!
Prizes to include:
* Free Entry
* Free Paint
* Candy
*Barrel Bags
*And anything else we can find to give away
Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Special Hours - Easter Weekend!
Friday 4/2 10:00a - 5:00p
Saturday 4/3 9:00a - 5:00p
Walk-ons are always welcome. There is very limited availability for private groups on both dates so book asap if you want a spot!
Sunday 4/4
Congrats to VcK!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Happy Spring Break!
Also, mark your calendars to attend our 4th Annual Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for Saturday, April 3rd!
PBX3 Launches New Website!
For those of you interested in the "tournament" side of paintball, PBX3 has launched their new tourney website at
Also, Twisted extends a "go get 'em boys" to VcK - our Div 2 X-Ball team who will be playing in the PSP's first tournament of the season this week in Phoenix.Monday, March 1, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Closed March 6, 2010
We will continue our normal operating hours of 11:00a - 5:00p on Sunday 3/7.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Lots Of FUN Going On This Weekend!
Sunday 2/14 is VcK's monthly fundraiser - X-Ball Fun Day - from 11:00am - 4:00pm.
Of course, normal rec-ball play will be available all weekend.
And in celebration of Valentine's Day, we will be raffling off a few goodies on Sunday. Free entry, paint, t-shirts and whatever else we can come up with. See you on the 14th for either the X-Ball Fun Day or a fun day of rec-ball!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
William Robert Serrato Benefit - 2.28.10
Twisted is teaming up with Clear Lake Cross-Fit help a wonderful family and awesome little boy.
William was born 3-1/2 years ago to Ami & Joe Serrato with "Half Heart Syndrome". He had his first heart surgery five days after birth and his second at 6 months of age. He is now coming up to his third high risk surgery that will require at least a one month stay in the hospital under perfect conditions. This little guy is a ball of fire, full of life and has never met a stranger. You would never know he was nothing short of perfect save the huge scar splitting his tiny chest down the middle!
Not only has this family struggled with William's health issues but they have also endured the loss of their home as a result of Ike, adopted Ami's brothers after the death of her mother to breast cancer and most recently Joe was laid off after 12 years with his company.
Twisted will donate a portion of all entry proceeds (both walk-on and private groups) on Sunday, February 28th. Clear Lake Cross Fit will be holding a private tournament on the airball field as well as offering silent auction items, food and music!
Please come out on the 28th, play a little paintball, eat and bid on cool auction items to support this wonderful cause!
Additional information can be found at
Donations via Paypal are also being accepted via the above link if you are unable to attend or would just like to help this truly deserving family.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Bringing Tournament Style Play Back To Twisted!
Beginning February 13, 2010, Twisted will offer tournament play every weekend on our brand new....
2010 PSP X-Ball Field!!!
Saturdays will offer guests an option of playing either airball only or both airball and rec-ball.
A. X-Ball Only Saturday Special - $55.00/pp. Includes entry, all day air and one case of field paint. Upgrade to V-1 for only $3.00 more. Play will be limited to the airball field only.
B. X-Ball/Rec-Ball - Standard pricing - $65.00/pp to include entry, all day air and one case of V-1. Play all fields including airball.
Please note: the X-Ball field will be FPO (field paint only) on Saturdays.
This is a perfect opportunity for northside HRL teams and others to arrange scrimmages with each other! A ref will be permanently assigned to this field on Saturdays to run games and strictly enforce our rules.
Play on one of the best airball fields in the area. Great grass, no mud, separate tourney staging and 4500psi air fills just steps from the field!
Sundays will be available depending on VcK's practice schedule. Stay tuned for Sunday X-Ball Specials, Open Practice/Scrimmage Days and much more!
Our traditional monthly X-Ball Fun Days will continue as usual.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
DELAYED OPENING - Saturday 1/9
Normal hours on Sunday 1/10 (11:00a - 5:00p).